Sinusitis Treatment For Both Adults And Pediatrics in OPD

Unilateral headache sudden onset with nasal discharge worse by bending over. inflammation of frontal sinus is most common. Upper respiratory tract infections, malaria, typhoid can also cause headache.

Patient Complaints (P/C):

  1. If patient come and complain about headache we will try to differential Diagnosis,

Differential Diagnosis:

  • Migraine: Mostly in females. Unilateral headache. History of previous episodes. Pain duration: 3 hours to 3 days.
  • Sinusitis: Early morning headache.
  • Tension-type headache: Continuous, band-like pain. More severe in the evening.
  • Cluster headache: Mostly in males. Associated with red eyes and congested nose with lacrimation.

If patient lye on right side his left sinus will drain but right will not cause pain, bending over will increase the pain and will not allow to touch that area of head.
Rhino-sinusitis both can occur simultaneously(running nose, headache, sneezing).

If patient has used cetirizine because it will decrease running nose and cause congestion lead to sinusitis.

Examination (O/E):

  1. Nose examination – Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS).
  2. Tenderness over sinuses suggests acute sinusitis.
  3. X-ray Paranasal Sinuses (PNS) to confirm sinus involvement.
  4. X ray will show which sinus is involved.

Treatment of Sinusitis for Adults

CategoryMedication NameGeneric NameDosagePregnancy Safety
AntibioticsTab. LefloxLevofloxacin250 mg BDNO
Cap. CefspanCefixime400 mg ODYes
NSAIDsTab. PanadolParacetamol1g TDSYes
Tab. Aninac ForteIbuprofen + Paracetamol200/60 mg TDSNo (Ibuprofen in 3rd trimester)
AntihistaminesTab. FexetFexofenadine60 mg BDYes
Tab. JardinLoratidine10 mg ODYes
DecongestantsTab. SinutabPseudoephedrine60/120 mg BDNo
NebulizationNormal Saline0.9% NaClTDSYes

Additional Notes:

  • Sinus headache typically presents in early morning and worsens if drainage is blocked.
  • Tenderness over sinuses differentiates sinusitis from other headaches.
  • Rhinosinusitis is associated with runny nose, headache, and sneezing.
  • Cetrizine may be prescribed for allergic sinusitis.

Pediatric Sinusitis Treatment Table

CategoryMedication NameGeneric Name1 Year Dosage2-5 Years Dosage5+ Years DosageSafe in Children
AntibioticsSyp. AmoxilAmoxicillin½ tsp (2.5 ml) BD1 tsp (5 ml) BD2 tsp (10 ml) BDYes (above 3 months)
Syp. AugmentinAmoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid½ tsp (2.5 ml) BD1 tsp (5 ml) BD2 tsp (10 ml) BDYes (above 3 months)
Syp. ZithromaxAzithromycin½ tsp (2.5 ml) OD (3 days)1 tsp (5 ml) OD (3 days)2 tsp (10 ml) OD (3 days)Yes (above 6 months)
Syp. SupraxCefixime½ tsp (2.5 ml) BD1 tsp (5 ml) BD2 tsp (10 ml) BDYes (above 6 months)
NSAIDs (Pain Relief)Syp. PanadolParacetamol½ tsp (2.5 ml) TDS1 tsp (5 ml) TDS2 tsp (10 ml) TDSYes (all ages)
Syp. BrufenIbuprofen½ tsp (2.5 ml) TDS1 tsp (5 ml) TDS2 tsp (10 ml) TDSYes (above 6 months, avoid in dehydration)
AntihistaminesSyp. TelfastFexofenadine½ tsp (2.5 ml) BD1 tsp (5 ml) BD2 tsp (10 ml) BDYes (above 6 months)
Syp. ZyrtecCetirizine½ tsp (2.5 ml) OD1 tsp (5 ml) OD2 tsp (10 ml) ODYes (above 6 months)
Syp. ClaritinLoratadine½ tsp (2.5 ml) OD1 tsp (5 ml) OD2 tsp (10 ml) ODYes (above 2 years)
DecongestantsSyp. SinarestPseudoephedrine + ChlorpheniramineAvoid½ tsp (2.5 ml) BD½ tsp (2.5 ml) BDUse with caution (above 2 years)
NebulizationNormal Saline0.9% NaCl2-3 times daily2-3 times daily2-3 times dailyYes (all ages)

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