Rhinitis Treatment For Both Adults And Pediatrics in OPD

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa.


Allergic Rhinitis

Triggered by allergens (dust, pollen, pet dander, etc.)

Common in individuals with a history of allergies.

Symptoms: Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion.

No fever.

Viral Rhinitis

Can worsen in immunocompromised individuals, requiring antibiotic coverage.

Caused by viral infections (common cold viruses).

Symptoms: Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, fever, body aches.

Often associated with cold exposure.


  • Nasal Examination: Inflamed nasal mucosa, redness, and nasal discharge. If deviated nasal septum refer to ENT.
  • Differential Diagnosis: Allergic Rhinitis.
  • If greenish yellowish discharge give antibiotics.

Management for Adult

Do not use rigix as it will increase congestion.

Wash nostrils with water or N/S before use of spray.

Use steroids if pt is not responding to anti histamine.

CategoryMedicationGeneric NameDosageSafe in Pregnancy
AntihistaminesTab. FexetFexofenadine60/120 mg BDYes
Tab. JardinLoratadine
10 mg BD
Tab. DesoraDesloratadine5/10 mg BDYes
DecongestantsXynosine SprayXylometazolineTopical (<5 days)No
Tab. Rinac ForteIbuprofen + Pseudoephedrine200/60 mg TDSNo
NSAIDsPanadolParacetamol1g TDSYes
BrufenIbuprofen200/400 mg TDSNo
Antibiotics (if bacterial infection suspected)Tab. L-cynLevofloxacin250 mg BDNo
Tab. AzitmaAzithromycin500 mg ODYes
Steroids (for severe cases)Ticovate Nasal SprayFluticasone2+2Prefer no to use
SupplementsInj. DX3Cholecalciferol20,000 IUYes
cac1000 plusCalcium1+0Yes

Management for Pediatric

CategoryMedicationGeneric Name1 Year2-5 Years>5 YearsSafe
AntihistaminesSyrup TelfastFexofenadine30 mg BD30 mg BDYes
Syrup ClaritinLoratadine
5 mg OD10 mg ODYes
DecongestantsNasal Drops Otrivin PediatricXylometazoline1 drop per nostril BD (<5 days)1 drop per nostril BD (<5 days)1 drop per nostril BD (<5 days)Yes (Short-term)
NSAIDsSyrup PanadolParacetamol10-15 mg/kg/dose TDS10-15 mg/kg/dose TDS10-15 mg/kg/dose TDSYes
Syrup BrufenIbuprofen5-10 mg/kg/dose TDS5-10 mg/kg/dose TDSYes
Antibiotics (if bacterial infection suspected)Syrup AugmentinAmoxicillin-Clavulanate20-40 mg/kg/day BD20-40 mg/kg/day BD20-40 mg/kg/day BDYes
Syrup ZithromaxAzithromycin10 mg/kg OD (Day 1), then 5 mg/kg OD (Day 2-5)10 mg/kg OD (Day 1), then 5 mg/kg OD (Day 2-5)10 mg/kg OD (Day 1), then 5 mg/kg OD (Day 2-5)Yes
Steroids (for severe cases)Nasal Spray FlixonaseFluticasone1 spray per nostril OD1 spray per nostril ODYes
SupplementsInj. DX3Cholecalciferol10,000 IU weekly10,000 IU weekly10,000 IU weeklyYes
cac1000 plusCalcium250 mg OD500 mg OD500 mg ODYes


1. Avoid dust & allergens
2.Wear a mask
3.Increase water intake
4.Take Joshanda
5.Take soup

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