Pharyngitis Treatment For Both Adults And Pediatrics in OPD

A patient presents with fever, sore throat, throat itching and children come with vomiting. In common term we call it sore throat.

Types of Pharyngitis

  1. Bacterial Pharyngitis
  2. Viral Pharyngitis

1.Bacterial Pharyngitis

Temperature is above 101F and it can be associated with rigors and chills,

2.Viral Pharyngitis

Temperature is below 101F and myalgia can be associated, cbc shows increased lymphocyte counts.

On examination

  1. Examine vitals.
  2. Examine oral cavity with tongue depressor to see red inflamed pharyngeal wall or enlarge tonsils (tonsillitis)
  3. Auscultate the chest.
  4. Palpate the abdomen to see lymphadenopathy.


Ideally we take sample from throat swab for culture sensitivity.
CBC shows increased neutrophils counts for Bacterial Pharyngitis.
CBC shows increased Lymphocyte counts for Viral Pharyngitis.

Dosage for adult for Bacterial Pharyngitis

Dosage for adult whose age is above 12 years and weight is above 40kgs. Prescribe at least for 5 days. For Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid use PPI like cap omeprazole 40mg 1+0+0 before breakfast. Add salt in moderate water and gargle with it if patient has no cardic issues.

Don’t use cold, sour, and fried things.

CategoryDrug NameStrengthDosage FrequencyPregnancy SafetyChild SafetyMale Fertility Safety
AntibioticsTab. Amoxicillin500 mgTDS (1 + 1 + 1)SafeSafeSafe
Tab. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid625 mgTDS (1 + 1 + 1)SafeSafeNo known impact
Tab. Azithromycin500 mgOD (1 + 0 + 0)SafeSafeNo known impact
Tab. Clarithromycin500 mgBD (1+0+1)Not preferredUse with cautionMay reduce sperm motility temporarily
Tab. Cefixime400 mgOD (1 + 0 + 0)SafeSafeNo known impact
NSAIDs (Pain/Inflammation Relief)Tab. Ibuprofen400 mgBD (1 + 0 + 0)Avoid in 3rd trimesterSafe (above 6 months)Long-term use may reduce sperm production
Tab. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)500 mgTDS (2 + 2 + 2)SafestsafeHigh doses may affect testosterone levels
AntihistaminesTab. Fexofenadine60 mgHS (1 + 0 + 1)Safe (above 6 months)No known impact
Tab. Cetirizine Dihydrochloride10 mgHS (0 + 0 + 1)SafeSafe (above 6 months)No known impact
Tab Loratadine10 mgHS (0 + 0 + 1)SafeSafe (above 2 years)No known impact

Dosage for adult for Viral Pharyngitis

In viral Pharyngitis patient presents with mild fever, body aches, loss of hunger. We will give symptomatic treatment means which system is effect we will treat it.
Give Tab Paracetamol tds(2+2+2). Viral rhinitis and Viral bronchitis can be seen with Viral Pharyngitis

Dosage for Peads

Dosage for pediatrics whose age is below 12 years and weight is below 40kgs. If age is above 12 and weight is below 40kgs still receive pediatrics dosage

1 Tea spoon = 5ml

1 tea spoon for less than 1year baby

1.5 tea spoon for 2-5 year old baby

2 tea spoon for above 5 year old baby

CategoryDrug NameStrength (per 5mL)Dosage FrequencyPediatric Dosage (Weight-Based)Age Restriction
AntibioticsSyrup Amoxicillin250 mg/5mLTDS(1+1+1)15-30mg/kg/day in divided dosesSafe for all ages
Syrup Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid228 mg/5mLTDS(1+1+1)15-30 mg/kg/day in divided dosesSafe for all ages
Syrup Azithromycin200 mg/5mLOD(1+0+0)
10 mg/kg on Day 1, then 5 mg/kg
Safe (above 6 months)
Syrup Cefixime100 mg/5mLBD(1+1+0)
8 mg/kg/day in divided doses
Safe (above 6 months)
NSAIDsSyrup Paracetamol120 mg/5mLTDS(1+1+1)
10-15 mg/kg/dose
Safe for all ages
Syrup Ibuprofen100 mg/5mLTDS(1+1+1)5-10 mg/kg/doseSafe (above 6 months)
AntihistaminesSyrup Cetirizine5 mg/5mLOD(1+0+0)
2.5 mg (6m-2y), 5 mg (2-6y), 10 mg (6y+)
Safe (above 6 months)
Syrup Loratadine5 mg/5mLOD(1+0+0)
2.5 mg (2-5y), 5 mg (6y+)
Safe (above 2 years)

Syp. Dimenhydrinate TDS 1.5 TSF in case of vomiting.

How to determine dosage per kg for peads

To calculate the Paracetamol dose for a 4-year-old boy using 120 mg/5 mL syrup:

Step 1: Determine the dose per kg

Paracetamol dose = 10–15 mg/kg per dose

Example: If the child weighs 16 kg (approximate weight for a 4-year-old), then:

  • Minimum dose: 10 mg × 16 kg = 160 mg
  • Maximum dose: 15 mg × 16 kg = 240 mg

Step 2: Convert mg to mL

Since the syrup contains 120 mg per 5 mL:

  • Minimum dose: (160 mg ÷ 120 mg) × 5 mL = 6.7 mL (~6.5 mL)
  • Maximum dose: (240 mg ÷ 120 mg) × 5 mL = 10 mL

Final Dosage Recommendation

A 4-year-old (16 kg) can take 6.5 – 10 mL per dose, every 4-6 hours (max 4 doses/day).

Always confirm the child’s weight for an accurate dose!

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