Laryngitis Treatment For Both Adults And Pediatrics in OPD

A patient presents with hoarseness of voice, dry, irritating cough, fever, body ache.


  • Triggering factors: Singing in a loud pitch, weeping.

Differential Diagnosis:

  • Vocal cord nodule (common in teachers, singers)
  • History of months of hoarseness

Alarming Signs:

  • Loss of weight → Suspect malignancy
  • Smoker → Risk of lung cancer
  • Fever with cough for months → Suspect laryngeal carcinoma

Management For Adults

CategoryMedicationGeneric NameDosageSafe in Pregnancy
SteroidsTab. Rapi-CortPrednisolone5 mg BDUse with caution
Tab. DeltacortilPrednisolone5 mg BDUse with caution
DexamethasonePrednisolone0.5 mg – 1 mg BDAvoid prolonged use
NSAIDsTab. PanadolParacetamol500 mg TDSSafe
Tab. IbuprofenBrufen400 mg TDSContraindicated in 3rd trimester
Cough SuppressantsSyp. SAMYIvy Leaf Extract1–2 TSF TDSSafe
Syp. ProspanIvy Leaf Extract2 TSF TDSSafe
syp HylixiaIvy Extract2 TSF TDSSafe
Syp. BenylinDextromethorphan Hydrobromide2 TSF TDSNo
Tab. Corex PlusChlorpheniramine Maleate + Codeine Phosphate1 Tab. TDSNo
PPI (For Gastritis Prevention)Tab. RisekOmeprazole20 mg OD (Before breakfast)Safe

Antibiotics (For Laryngitis)

Antibiotics are only indicated in cases of:

  • High-grade fever
  • Purulent sputum production

Recommended Antibiotic:

  • Azithromycin (Azomax/Zyro/Azitma) 500 mg OD

Bacterial vs. Viral Infections (Diagnostic Approach)

  1. The patient has hoarseness of voice, body aches, and fever.
  2. Temperature and throat examination indicate that laryngitis is mostly viral.
    • If the fever is above 101°F, it is more likely bacterial.
  3. In bacterial laryngitis, antibiotics are necessary, while in viral laryngitis, antibiotics are not required.
  4. To differentiate between viral and bacterial infections, refer to CBC (Complete Blood Count).
  • CBC Findings:
    • Lymphocytes → Viral infection
    • Neutrophils → Bacterial infection

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